We make use of any personally identi3able information you supply us in order to
enhance your experience with our website, social media accounts, and to keep you
informed about new releases, commentary, and activities.
We do not sell or give your personally identi3able information to third parties. Any
information you supply to us on forms or otherwise reveal to us may be used for own
internal analytics or compiled into anonymous reports, for example, to help improve
your experience.
We make use of Google Analytics and other data analytics software to track various
data about visitors to our website and social media counts.
To the extent that you participate on any of our social media accounts, websites, or
send us emails, you consent to our interactions with you there and to the re-use of
your comments on our website, blogs, social media accounts, printed matter, and
other publications.
DARE TO BE FREE PRESS LLC is committed to safeguarding your privacy. Contact us
at privacy@amysgirlfriendscollection.com if you have any questions or problems
regarding the use of your Personal Data and we will gladly assist you.