
From Texas to Italy, Buonasera!
I stood in my closet with clothes and shoes strewn across the floor and piled halfway into my suitcase. What in the WORLD to pack for ten days in Italy, from Venice to Lake Como to Milan … oh, and don’t forget our friends’ rehearsal dinner and wedding, the main...
Reigniting the Spark
Hey girlfriends! Ever find yourself in a bit of a rut, pondering over how to take the next step forward? Well, that’s been me lately. But then it hit me – why not circle back to where it all began to reignite that spark? For me, that’s about plunging back into the...
Releasing Turtles, Pushing Through
Not sure how I got so lucky, but the turtles had just hatched that morning. At lunch I mentioned to the resident environmentalist that I was bummed the turtle release season was over in the part of Mexico we were visiting. ‘Uno momento, wait one moment!’ Moi said....
Goat Yoga – Naaaa-maste!
BUCKET LIST ITEM — check!! I love goats and I love yoga, so goat yoga has been on my bucket list of things I want to do for years now. Uh, easier said than done, though – I guess I just hoped that a chance to hang out with those cute little kids would simply fall...
Finding Fitness at 51 – WTF?
Envious, I finished reading yet ANOTHER article about a 50/60/70-something woman who just completed her first marathon/triathlon/whatever – and let out a big sigh. How is that even possible?! Girlfriend, I honestly just couldn’t relate. She MUST have been an athlete...
A Whole New Girlfriends Chapter: Life Transitions and Shifting Gears, Ya’ll!
Well, HELLO there Girlfriends! Wow, it’s been a while since I posted and sister, let me tell you it has been a whirlwind … Where to start? With three California-to-Texas road trips under our belts, we made the full-time move to Fort...
“Emily in Paris” – Enchanté, Girlfriends!
The internet is a-buzz with this sparkling jewel of a series – I mean, what’s not to love about a young beauty in Paris? The sights, the food, the wine, the clothes, the youngsters falling in love … As any good lover of fashion would do, I put on my fancy shoes,...
Road Trip Called “Life”: Sometimes You’re the Windshield, Sometimes You’re the Bug
In this big road trip called life, it’s just the truth, girlfriends: sometimes you’re the windshield, and sometimes you’re that SPLAT of bug guts on the glass. I just did a 19-hour road trip from Newport Beach, CA to Fort Worth, TX (well, it turned into a 23-hour road...
‘Tis the Season – Is it Just a Holiday Card, or Something More?
Just some Amy-truth, I look forward every year to creating our holiday card, choosing the layout and the photos, making sure each kid’s personality shines through, updating the mailing list with new friends and addresses, getting the holiday stamps, and, finally,...
Ruth La Ferla’s “Dressing for the Heat Lamp”
So, it’s not just me wondering how to dress for outdoor dining (jacket or sweater? Long sleeves and vest? Short sleeves under a cashmere poncho?)! It’s hard enough not wearing foundation, blush, or lip gloss since March … I only “make up” my eyes these days, including...