In this big road trip called life, it’s just the truth, girlfriends: sometimes you’re the windshield, and sometimes you’re that SPLAT of bug guts on the glass.
I just did a 19-hour road trip from Newport Beach, CA to Fort Worth, TX (well, it turned into a 23-hour road trip with stops to pee, gas up, and eat!) and let me tell you, it was LOOOOOONG! But it didn’t turn out to be as bad as I’d imagined – the desert topography and rock formations were so cool, and it had been a long time (almost 30 years!) since the last time I trekked across that part of the country in a vehicle. Reliving the glory days of youth, sisters!
Road trips are one of those (dare I say?) old-fashioned activities resurrected by these crazy quarantine times we continue to live in … along with cooking at home, neighborhood get-togethers (socially-distanced, of course), and weekly calls home (remember when you used to call Grandma every Sunday night?).
Looking for those silver linings, for me, is what turns this pandemic road trip into a positive – more time with family, time to meditate (no more commute!), rediscovering a love for cooking, etc. But there are even some bigger, sweeter, profound, even transformational moments that change our lives for the better.
Check out this BEAUTIFUL article by Merissa Nathan Gerson about healing a mother-daughter relationship during the quarantine (it literally brought me to tears)
Look for the glorious, girlfriends! I bet you’ll find it easier than you expect …