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Reigniting the Spark

Reigniting the Spark

Hey girlfriends! Ever find yourself in a bit of a rut, pondering over how to take the next step forward? Well, that’s been me lately. But then it hit me – why not circle back to where it all began to reignite that spark? For me, that’s about plunging back into the...
Finding Fitness at 51 – WTF?

Finding Fitness at 51 – WTF?

Envious, I finished reading yet ANOTHER article about a 50/60/70-something woman who just completed her first marathon/triathlon/whatever – and let out a big sigh. How is that even possible?! Girlfriend, I honestly just couldn’t relate. She MUST have been an athlete...
Encountering Duchess Goldblatt

Encountering Duchess Goldblatt

Scrolling through a popular social media platform (you know, the one named after bird sounds), I stumbled (gracefully, I like to think) across a magical creature. Her words jumped off the page and landed squarely in my heart … who IS this Duchess...
California Staycation

California Staycation

Yep, just like most other folks right now, the family vacay turned into a stay-cay. In our case, we had been looking forward to a multi-generational trip with grandparents, kiddos, aunts and uncles to Cozumel, Mexico for a week of diving and snorkeling and celebrating...